Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Rise of Snow Boarding

The Rise of Snow Boarding

Everyone has surely noticed the way that snow boarding has been rising and rising in terms of popularity in recent years, and I am sure that it is not just me that’s noticed. In the last decade snow boarding has went from skateboarding on snow, to the Olympics quicker than you one could ever imagine. 

Firstly snow boarding started when the little known Sherman Poppen decided to nail kid’s skis together in an attempt to improve their skating skills. This was just the start, as Sherman noticed the economic potential of this he decided to go about getting them into production. Millions of dollars and thousands of happy boarders later, Sherman will always be remembered for bringing snow boarding to the masses.

The first official competition took place in 1982 and since then snow boarding has seen more and more competitions take place. As the competitions started to spread, snow boarding changed from a hobby to a professional sport, that requires skill and agility in equal measure.

The biggest achievement for snow boarding occurred in 1998 when snow boarding made it to the winter Olympics. Held in Nagano Japan, the sport was given more than its fair share of coverage. The sport was watched by so many people that have never seen the sport before. The sale of snow boarding and snow boarding equipment was said to has risen by 47% following its appearance in the televisions of millions around the world. As the amount of competition rose, and as the amount of boarders rose in more than equal measure the standards within the sport became phenomenal. The kind of things that people are doing these days weren’t even heard of 10 years ago.
The rise of snow boarding has not just been a result of competition. It is also because it fits under the category of a fun, exciting sport and more importantly: a sport that can be done freestyle! Making appearances on TV alongside motor cross, skateboarding, and skate boarding snow boarding has also been aided by the personalities that have come through the sport. The fact is that skiing doesn’t have the cool look that snow boarding has. Surely you know what I mean? The skier looks to rigid, and just doesn’t have the relaxed, in control look that makes snow boarders 100 times cooler.
So you are probably wondering why I got into snow boarding? The reason really is very simple indeed. My friends and me were always skate boarders, but I also liked other things like roller skating and skating even riding a BMX. The truth is I just loved anything that made me move on wheels. However, when I seen skiing I always thought it looked plain dumb. I did not want to move around with two big planks of wood attached to my legs. But then I started to notice and hear a lot more about snow boarding everywhere I went. For a start, it was appearing more on TV and in the kind of magazines that I bought. Then I thought that if I tried it then I would already have some of the skills that I would need from the fact that I was already able to do skate boarding. So me and my friends decided that we would book up a lesson, and give it a shot. Why not I thought?

However folks, if you are really in to skate boarding and you think that’s fun, then you really have not experienced any real fun yet. DO you know that feeling from skate boarding when you are going down a road that has zero bumps? The fact that you almost glide through the air. That is what snow boarding is like every single step of the way and that is why I love it so much. If you ever decide to give it a shot then I am sure you will do it time, after time again.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Game Day Coaching

Game Day Coaching

Finally, after all of the hours of hard practice, you get to show what your team is really made of.  They are finally moving out of the practice field and into a game.  If you are coaching for a game, you want to make sure that you are organized, prepared, and know how to react to specific situations.  More than any other time, this will be the time when the players are looking to you in order to see your true character.

Before going to a game, you should make sure that you are prepared for the event.  This may be as easy as making sure that everyone has everything that they need.  Bringing extra water, safety equipment, and first aid supplies can be a good start in order to prepare for what might happen.  This also means preparing the players mentally.  They will need to have some vision and insight to how game day will look, allowing them to set their goals for success.

When you get to the game, you will also want to make sure that you have the answers that your players will need.  This first means continuing to find the best strategies for the opposing team.  Looking at the entire perspective of the field or court and responding with the best moves for the team will help them to continue to work towards the win that they want to have.

Of course, the mentality that you keep during the game and after the game is also important.  If the team isn't doing so well during the game, you want to make sure to keep this in perspective.  Over reacting, yelling, and telling the players that they aren't doing good enough will most likely end badly with some loss of self-esteem after the game.  Even if your team looses, you will want to make sure to set an example.  Keeping the game as just a game, and looking at the efforts that all of the members are making when they play will help both you and them to learn every time they play.

The process of playing in a sport is most intense when it is on a field of opposing players.  Because of this, you want to make sure that you are the example and the place where the players can turn in order to keep insight and perspective.  By making sure that you walk in prepared and with the right attitude, you can also be sure that everyone will walk away happy with the process of playing.  

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Supercross BMX Racing: A Great Way to Get Kids Involved in Supercross Motorcycle Racing

Supercross BMX Racing: A Great Way to Get Kids Involved in Supercross Motorcycle Racing

Are you the parent of a child who enjoy racing?  Supercross motorcycle racing is a sport that has literally taken the United States by storm. Although individuals, of all ages, enjoying watching supercross racing, there is a group of individuals that enjoys the excitement the most. Those individuals are children, particularly young teenagers.  In fact, not all young teenagers just want to be fans, many want to become just like their idols, supercross motorcycle racers.

What is a parent to do, when their child wishes to become a supercross motorcycle racer? As a parent, you have the right to dictate what your child can and cannot do. Although supercross motorcycle racing is a fun and exciting sport, many parents are worried about the motorcycle part of it.  If you are one of those parents, you have a number of different options. All of these options will allow your child to follow their dream, but without you having to spend endless days and nights worrying about the safety of your child.

Perhaps, the best way to get your child started in supercross motorcycle racing is to purchase them an off-road motorcycle, especially one that is designed with kids in mind. These motorcycles are often smaller in size and relatively safe for children to operate.  However, as an extra precaution, you may want to enroll your child in a motorcycle safety class.  These classes are a great way to learn how to successfully operate a motorcycle, but you will need to find an off-road course, especially one that is designed for children.  It is possible to find these courses, but depending on where you live, it may be difficult.

If you feel uncomfortable allowing your child to ride an off-road motorcycle, even those that are designed with children in mind, you may want to suggest an alternative. That alternative is a BMX bike. Supercross BMX racing is another popular variation of supercross motorcycle racing.  In addition to being popular, it is also safer.  Instead of using an off-road motorcycle, riders race off-road bikes.  Many of these bikes can be purchased from sports stores, bicycle shops, or even traditional retail stores.  As a parent, who is likely concerned about financing, you will also find that these bikes are easier to afford, when compared to off-road motorcycles.

Besides the fact that BMX bikes are used instead of motorcycles, you will also find that most professional or amateur supercross BMX racing tracks are relatively shorter in size. Many races only last a few seconds or a few minutes.  Depending on the popularity of BMX racing in your area, you may even have a local supercross BMX racetrack nearby.  The good news, if you don’t, is that you and your child could easily make your own racing surface, right in your backyard.  This surface may be made of dirt or sand, your choice.  You can also add in as many or as little jumps and obstacles as you wish to.

Although supercross BMX racing is relatively safer than supercross motorcycle racing, you will still find that it is still a dangerous sport. For that reason, you need to make sure that your child has the right equipment. In addition to the correct bike, which should be an off-road BMX bike, you should also ensure they are decked out with the latest in safety equipment, such as helmet and protective pads.  It may also be a good idea to keep an eye on your child whenever they are participating in supercross BMX racing, whether it be at a local indoor sports complex or outdoors in your own backyard.

Despite the fact supercross motorcycle racing and supercross BMX racing are not the same thing, you will find that they often require the same type of safety equipment. You may find that your child whishes to continue participating in supercross BMX racing; however, there is a good chance that they will still carryon with their dream of becoming a motorcycle racer. If this the case, BMX racing is a great way to prepare your child for off-road racing, until you feel that they are prepared to handle an off-road supercross motorcycle.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Paintball Accessories You Can’t Play Without

Paintball Accessories You Can’t Play Without

Having the markers, tanks, guns, vests and other equipment complete the excitement when you plan to play paintball.  But little do others know that it is the small and simple things that count even before the game begins.  Sometimes the little accessories that are locked in a toolbox are all that are needed to complete a paintball game.  A toolbox is the first aid kit of the game; if anything goes wrong that is unexpected or unavoidable, there is no reason to fret.

The gun’s manual: there are instances in the game when the gun has to undergo  “intensive surgery”.  Guns differ from each other regardless of the physical similarities of some.  If that time comes when it needs to be disassembled, the manual can make it easier to put it all back together.  Try to find manuals with problem solving ideas, they really help.

Reserve batteries:  some guns require batteries to function.  It would be such a waste of time if in the middle of the game the batteries died and you could not continue to play so keep new batteries available.

Allen wrench to the rescue:  some players have either inherited their guns from their friends or bought second-hand guns.  If you did not get a set of Allen wrenches when you bought the gun buy a set from a hardware store and be sure to keep them handy.

Oil ole’!  Make sure that there is a small can of oil for the paintball gun inside the box as well.  Sometimes weather dictates if the gun needs oiling; be sure to get the specific oil type recommended by the manual for the gun.

Mask lens as spare:  when worse comes to worst, mask lens’ will either become blurry or scratched.  Don’t hesitate to replace them if your vision is impaired as this really affects how the game is played.

Squeegee anyone?  Carrying one on the field is enough during a game, so why not bring a replacement if anything goes wrong?  It saves time for playing rather than looking for a squeegee.

Cupseals and reserved O-rings:  some players do not know that O-rings and cup seals can be damaged easily and this will hurt the paintball gun big time so it is a must to replace the cupseal before this happens.

And for the player, always have a neck guard around to save the neck from those disturbing shots that hit your neck.  There may be a team available to do first aid when something goes wrong but it would make sense to carry a personal first aid kit.  Carry around spare basic safety “gadgets” like a mask, gloves, and pads and have a worry free paintball game.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Paintball Basics

Paintball Basics

Paintball is a safe, simple yet challenging and strategic sport that is played usually by two teams, each with at least two players. Adults and kids alike enjoy this sport as they often refer to it as an advanced or improvised game of tag.

Tournaments attract many spectators of all ages, as it is a very exciting game to watch.

Paintball games are of various types, however, the most popular game often played is called "capture the flag". The object or the goal of this game is for teams to advance to the opponent’s base, move the other team’s flag to its destined location, at the same time guarding your own flag.

The paintball field has many obstacles such as tires, forts, old cars, hay and the newest are “inflatables” that are constructed as refuge for team players; making the game all the more exciting, as if participating in an actual game of war in videos.

When one is hit, it can hurt briefly and at times give players bruises.  Players are typically required to be in long sleeves shirt and pants, making sure that the color is not be identical as that of the judge and complete paintball gear such as mask, helmet and goggles for safety.

The sport of paintball has a distinct and accurate set of rules that are strictly followed. The producer of the tournament is the absolute authority in regard to either an alteration or addition to the rules; marshals oversee the event, and their decision is always final. No dispute on the paintball field is accommodated or entertained.

A military approach to paintball is useless, as that knowledge is recognized and understood by the teams. A team’s tactic should be carefully planned; your team’s line of attack will not be known by the opposing team, and there should be a quick switch of plans in case something goes wrong.

There must be a lot of team work involved, as everyone moves through the field. As a team member moves, there should be others to guard and keep watch and give off covering shots when necessary.  A team that moves together with a common objective will have a great chance of succeeding in this game.

Communication in the field is also very important.  A team-mate can shout the position of the opponent. The moment that a player is seen, the game for that player is up; so there is no reason for you to keep quite; instead, inform the others the location of the enemy.

The excitement of this game concludes when you are seen and eliminated - a situation that all team players struggle to avoid.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Skateboarding and Surfing

Skateboarding and Surfing – Two Cool Activities that are Worlds Apart

Skateboarding and surfing are two activities that can be equally fun and exciting. The two sports are based on very similar tools – boards. However the similarity between the two pastimes ends there since skateboarding and surfing are very much different from each other. If you are not convinced, then you definitely have to read on.

Skateboarding and Surfing Defined

Skateboarding is basically the process of rolling or moving by riding on a skateboard. With surfing, on the other hand, a person also moves while riding a board, but the movement is induced by a breaking wave. So from the very definition of the two hobbies, you can already see that they are quite different from the other. First of all, one is performed on land, while the other is performed on the surface of a body of water. Next, the mechanics of movement in the two are very different as one uses wheels and the other uses waves.

Skateboarding can also be considered a means of transportation, apart from being a sport or a hobby. Many people, kids in particular, can travel using skateboards, especially for short distances. Meanwhile, surfing is not usually considered as a way for traveling as it is only thought of as a hobby and a sport. Even people living along shores cannot travel considerable distances using a surfboard.

History of Surfing and Skateboarding

Although the origin of surfing has not yet been established, the earliest record of surfing traces back to the 1770s when Captain Cook witness people in Hawaii riding boards on the waves. Skateboarding, on the other hand is a fairly new sport and thus its origins are still very much remembered. Skateboarding was invented around the 1950s, when surfing was also becoming popular in the western world. Some say that skateboarding evolved from surfing, which is probably why it was called sidewalk surfing during its infancy.

Surfing and Skateboarding in the form the people of today know, grew popular in parallel times. Their development can thus be thought of as simultaneous. However, the tradition of surfing is more deeply rooted due to the fact that it has been existing for centuries. Nevertheless both sports are continuing to grow in the coming years.

Equipment for Surfing and Skateboarding

As mentioned, the boards used for surfing and skateboarding are very different. Surfing uses surfboards, wave skis, surf mats, kneeboards, and body boards. Boards used for surfing originally used wood, and were thus quite heavy. Eventually, surfers looked for lightweight materials so that they can easily bring around their boards, which is more difficult considering that they do not have wheels. Most surfboards nowadays are made of polyurethane foam, which is quite sturdy but very light.

In skateboarding, skateboards are obviously used. The original skateboards were reminiscent to surfboards in the sense that they were not concave, albeit having wheels. Like surfboards, the old skateboards were made of wood, and eventually of plastic. Nowadays, most skateboards are made of composite fiber and their wheels are made of clay composite or polyurethane.

Surfing and skateboarding are obviously two different sports. However the most important commonality between the two apart from their histories is the fun and excitement the both can potentially bring and the likelihood for both of them to stay popular in the years to come.